Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Verklempt at GA

I walked in to the Opening Ceremonies frazzled and worn--it had been a long day, the third one this week. There was lots of new and lots of chaos. And you know -- I just wasn't feeling the spirit. I did a bit of networking and flipped through my program, trying to figure out what workshops look good for tomorrow. Tired. Bleh.

And then the Standing on the Side of Love posse walked in with their HUGE banner and the buttons to hand up up up the stands. And I cried a little. And we saw the banner for the Annapolis church (a flaming...crab) and I giggled a little.

And then Peter Mayer started Holy Now. I even knew it was coming AND have heard him perform it live before. And still, I was GONE. Tears running down my face, whispering along.

And then the folks from the various MN congregations? Oh, folks - if you were not there you need to watch the recording as soon as it comes up. People - that right there? That was my goals for my career and my religious community, up on the big screen.

Then more Peter Mayer, in multiple arrangements. MMmmmpf. Stick a fork in me - I'm done.

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